Press Release
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VIKA VA Announces the Advancement of Our Ownership

VIKA Virginia, LLC Announces the Advancement of Our Ownership. Congratulations to those taking on new roles!

John F. Amatetti, PE  &  Charles A. Irish, Jr. PE, Prof. LS, LEED AP, Founding Principals

P. Christopher Champagne, PE, LEED AP  &  Robert R. Cochran, LS, Members / Principals

Michael D. Benton, PE  &  Edmund J. Ignacio, PE, Members /Vice Presidents

are pleased to announce the expansion of leadership to include:

Joseph D. Amatetti, PE — Member / Vice President

Stephen E. Crowell, PE — Member / Vice President

Shawn T. Frost, RLA —  Member / Vice President

Jeffrey N. Peterson, PE — Member / Vice President

Franklin E. Jenkins, LS, PS, PE — Associate Member / Vice President

Jeffrey A. Kreps, RLA — Associate Member / Vice President

“Since our founding forty years ago, VIKA has continually recognized and promoted deserving professionals for their expertise, leadership, dedication, and contribution to our success.  We have a sustained corporate culture of internal growth, leadership, and commitment to professional development.  This past year has been challenging to all of us both personally and professionally.  While working during the pandemic, I saw firsthand the dedication and commitment each of these individuals brought to VIKA’s clients, our work, and most of all our employees,” said John Amatetti.  “Their business acumen and fearless devotion to the firm enabled all of us to collectively thrive during this unprecedented challenging time.  Along with adapting to change and not being static, I’ve always believed one of VIKA’s greatest attributes has been an old-school and hard-working, yet relatable leadership and youthful growth mentality.  The best way for VIKA to continue its strong, sustainable growth is to recognize that some new lanes need to be built while other lanes need to be opened up and expanded for highly-committed, skilled, dedicated, and ambitious leaders to take the company to even greater heights.”
“Identifying strategic imperatives that will keep us ahead of our competition, maintaining and expanding our market share, diversifying our risks by nurturing and growing new businesses sectors and services, and restructuring the organization for greater agility is essential not only in the coming year but coming decades,” said Chris Champagne.  “Collaborating with this expanded ownership team, we have identified new leadership roles that will sustain the company’s prominent  position in our industry, along with detailed plans and milestones for each initiative.  We are focused on building a company that is focused on growth and is multi-market/multi-disciplinary focused to diversify our base.  The new Members have contributed to VIKA’s success over the years.  Collectively, these leaders have contributed to our long-term strength and success in the competitive and everchanging marketplace.  With their individual professional styles, unique personalities and professional skills, they complement each other and collectively make our company stronger.  As guiding forces in the firm’s evolution and with professional competitiveness tempered by humility and driven by responsibility to all of us, they will take VIKA and our staff to greater heights.  Their dedication and unique strengths provided a natural pathway and transition into leadership and ownership roles.”
As a new expanded ownership team, we are identifying priority clients, jurisdictions and sectors, pinpointing specific projects where those priorities intersect, and are mapping out strategic growth plans to pursue them.  This new strategy requires a fundamentally different organization — one that empowers leaders to take greater ownership.  This new expanded group of leaders bring passion, energy, and innovation to our growth plans,” said Bob Cochran.  “ Our leadership-development program is focused on two key outcomes.  First, aligning our leaders’ professional insights and passions, their unique skills, and growth objectives with business, service line, and employee development needs.  Second, crafting employee development, new employee owner growth and leadership mentoring programs, and business development and growth plans to take us into the next 40 years.  As a group we want to help all of our employees find the individual trajectory that meets their professional development goals and needs, inspires new leadership, and cultivates internal and external relationships that will prove invaluable to all of us.”

Please join all of us in congratulating all the new Members in their enhanced roles.

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